- April 8th, 2016
The Johnston Little League Board is proud to present a new program to our league this season. We have put together an annual Coach of the Year Award,but to make it work we need your help!
We can all agree that our volunteer managers and assistant coaches all put in a lot of hours and hard work. As a board we wanted to have a way to recognize these volunteers that go above and beyond that help make JLL great. To do this we need your help as parents and fellow coaches! We will have two winners of Coach of the Year every season; one from T-ball through 10’s and another from Major through Senior divisions. Winners will receive an award as well as have their name on a plaque displayed at the JLL fields.
How the process will work:- Any official manager or assistant coach is eligible
- Parents,coaches, or anyone involved with JLL can nominate a coach to be considered for Coach of the Year
- Nominations can be submitted by a short email essay to
[email protected] Please include what age group and team your nominee coaches
- Candidates will be judged on the following criteria: Little League spirit, sportsmanship, positive influence on players, development of talent, etc.
- A subcommittee of board members will review all nominations blindly, and then present finalist to the board for a vote for our winners.- All nominations must be in by June 15th.
Thank you for being a part of JLL! If you have a special coach you would like to have recognized, now you can thank him/her!
Travis Burleson
JLL Coaching Coordinator